Drug Distribution

1. To be able to enter medication orders correctly on Centricity after receiving physician orders.  
Objective fulfilled. Throughout the four week rotation, I was able to get a brief exposure to the process of order entry and verification. There are still many specific details that I must remember for the future.

2. To work collaboratively with clinical pharmacists to optimize patient care.
Objective fulfilled. During the process of order entry and verification, I was able to contact the clinical pharmacist to follow up with trouble shoot orders that came down to the pharmacy. It was convenient to be able to phone a pharmacist who was already familiar with the team and patient.

3. To learn to use the SPH formulary to assist my duty as a pharmacist.
Objective fulfilled. During the CIVA once daily project, I was able to go through the entire formulary to assess for CIVA drugs that were given once daily. From there, Haley and I were able to give suggestions to standardize these once daily dosing schedules. In the future, there would be less discrepancies between pharmacy staff members in order entry and this would ultimately enhance patient care.

4. To describe all legal requirements and professional standards that pertain to the distribution and control of drugs in health care organizations.
Objective fulfilled. My understanding of the legal requirements and professional standards were assessed during my final oral examination with Jeremy. It was useful going through the didactic slides that were presented during our Academic Half Day with Barb.

5. To demonstrate evidence of understanding of policies and procedures relating to drug distribution and administration.
Objective fulfilled. For this objective, I found that many of the mini projects throughout the rotation emphasize on my understanding of the policies and procedures relating to drug distribution and administration. For example, our

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